Micky Hurley is a talented, young interior decorator and stylist born and raised in Santiago, Chile and based in New York City with a home in France. Micky thrives on traveling as much as possible, especially throughout Italy where he finds great inspiration. Micky’s roster of devoted and valued clients include some of his country's most prominent families and other inspiring individuals from around the world. With a vast knowledge of antiques and art, expertise in 19th & 18th century Continental furniture, portraiture and also Latin American art, Micky mixes his trademark fondness for antiquities and art exquisitely with his expert eye for color and texture in all his projects.
Micky Hurley creates exceptionally conceived spaces that feel at once lived in and impervious to the test of time, a testament to his beloved upbringing surrounded by his older relatives, antiques and family portraits. Micky injects his very particular energy and vitality into every aspect of his work, leaving the indelible mark of his passion for interiors and antiques on all his designs, while ensuring each project is tailor-made to suit each of his distinct client's needs and desires.
Throughout his life, Micky has had the good fortune to spend time with extraordinary talents in the world of art, music and design, which has added yet another dimension to his experience and background as a decorator, stylist and marchand d'art. His late step-father, the celebrated Italian opera / ballet director and scenographer, Pierluigi Samaritani, worked closely with Giancarlo Minotti on the Spoleto Festival dei 2Mondi and directed stars such as Pavarotti, Nureyev and Baryshnikov. As a boy, Micky spent many months, with his mother and step-father, on sets where Samaritani was directing, soaking in the artistry and incredible talent.
Growing up in the same home as his maternal grandparents and great-grandmother, Micky was constantly surrounded by whimsical anecdotes. His grandfather — Gustavo — an accomplished polo player who was a founder of the sport in Chile, was a marchand d’art in later life and greatly inspired Hurley’s appreciation for old, beautiful things. Just like the stories of his youth and his extroverted personality, Micky Hurley's interiors are colorful and enchanting, yet anchored by a European sophistication which transcends contemporary style and transient market trends. Micky’s work is his passion and his greatest professional joy is to share this passion with his clients!